Customer Stories

"Finally, a referral program that meets our high expectations of a fun & frictionless user experience. Cello’s pre-configured embedded experience seamlessly blended with our tool’s UX.”

Cheska Teresa, Chief Growth Officer (Butter)


Mtl. Paid CR


Mtl. Sharing Rate


Implementation Time

Copenhagen, Denmark
Virtual collaboration platform
Customer with Cello
Since 2022

How Butter achieved a 17.4% paid conversion rate from referrals

Butter is a virtual collaboration tool built to make online meetings and workshops super engaging and flow as smoothly as butter. Cello helped Butter launch a positive growth channel and effectively tackle the challenge of skyrocketing ad costs.

The main challenge for them was to integrate a referral experience that aligned with their fun & frictionless UX, and, at the same time, was visible enough to create engagement without disrupting the current look and feel of their product.

By leveraging Cello, Butter was able to create a referral program that blends with their current UX and was both engaging and interactive, allowing users to become advocates for the brand with ease.

How did they succeed?

Butter’s existing approach of a fun and interactive UX created a good starting point for Cello’s lightweight pre-configured referral experience.

Butter created a consistent end-user experience across the user journey, making the referral experience appear as a natural extension of its product rather than an add-on. This ensured a frictionless user journey that maximized user engagement.

Moreover, Butter harnessed its in-product experience efforts with a powerful go-to-market strategy divided into three crucial elements:

  • Raising awareness about the program through social media posts and email campaigns.
  • Educating users about the referral program with emails that contained presentations and other resources explaining how the program works.
  • Providing referrers marketing collateral such as templates, company images, and GIFs to make sharing simple, straightforward, and powerful.

Ultimately, the formula for success can be dissected into two key aspects; a consistent and delightful end-user experience throughout the journey and Butter's dedication to championing and educating its users about the program, a move that fostered trust in the program's authenticity.

The result?

Butter achieved a significant 17.4% paid conversion rate. The referral program not only tapped into the potential of the user base but also transformed their active community into a source that contributes to growth, acquisition, and lead generation.


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